Updated on 2nd August 2021 



❗️Restrictions that are still valid:

  • outside in build-up areas, it is compulsory to wear a medical mask or higher protection mask (such as respirator FFP2, FFP3, or nano masks)
  • in public transport and stores, it is required to wear a respirator (FFP2 or FFP3) 
  • these are only the most important ones, more you can find here: https://covid.gov.cz/en/








😷 We recommend downloading the app eRouška. It notifies its users in case of risky encounters with infected individuals quickly and anonymously. It is for free and you can find more info here: https://erouska.cz/en 

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.covid19cz.erouska

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/erouška/id1509210215 


👉 Websites where you can find more information regarding the situation in the Czech Republic:

Government website for Covid info: https://covid.gov.cz/en/

Government of the Czech Republic: https://vlada.cz/en/ 

Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic: https://koronavirus.mzcr.cz/en/

Information for foreigners coming to the Czech Republic: https://www.vlada.cz/en/media-centrum/aktualne/important-covid-19-measures-for-foreigners-183562/ 

PragueMorning - news website in English: https://www.praguemorning.cz 


🧡 ESN VSB-TUO links: 

Website: http://www.esnvsb.cz 

Facebook: @esnvsb / https://www.facebook.com/pg/esnvsb/events/?ref=page_internal 

Facebook group for international students: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3226423237404070/?source_id=316192378461038 

Instagram: @esnvsbtuo / https://www.instagram.com/esnvsbtuo/?fbclid=IwAR2Bz-D702nKJW5n-6NAYqVPljo4t7fLRMGsa0d1qxFskUJpz6T50x6ghYc 

WhatsApp Group for summer semester: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GY6H8gieScQJMNtZjYV7Z6 

In case you want to contact us, you can use any social media mentioned above (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp group - admins are ESN members who can help you, etc.). We are here for you to help you, you can always turn to us. 


📚 Information about University and lectures:


keep checking your university's email address!


🧘‍♀️ International Contact point offers Consultancy for International Students. In case you need psychological service, you can find more information here: https://www.vsb.cz/en/student/international-contact-point/?fbclid=IwAR1s-oZTrMMi4QHdwupDYpGdMJw_-yEOEpWU-XcpuTmCPp2QxASMZJ9RbAg


🚕 In case you don't want to use public transport, there is Bolt in Ostrava (you can order a car by an app, you know the price in advance, it is safe). You can get the app here:

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/EE/app/id675033630?mt=8

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ee.mtakso.client


🛒 In case you want to order groceries, you can use Rohlik.cz, they deliver right to your door. You can order here: https://www.rohlik.cz/en/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA0rSABhDlARIsAJtjfCe_ty3Jw2VlTNvoSB7jtQzTsJNoxZ0Ptrw5h9iPojV21rENB3Az6O8aAvWTEALw_wcB

or you can use the app:

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/rohlik-cz/id975560575 

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.rohlik.app


🍔 In case you want to order food, you can use:

DameJidlo: https://www.damejidlo.cz/en/city/ostrava?r=1 

Bolt: https://food.bolt.eu/en-us/

Wolt: https://wolt.com/en/cze/ostrava/?tab=featured